About The Author

Giada Lemmens is the wife of renowned emergency preparedness and survival instructor Joshua Lemmens of IndigenousPOV. After seeing a gap in the industry among instructors about what women can do in an emergency situation to deal with their period, she created a practical guide to help women make their own period emergency kits.
The spark of life for this book started in August 2021 when her husband was preparing to teach an emergency preparedness workshop in Chilliwack, BC about preparing your own emergency kits. The night before the workshop when they were reviewing the materials to be taught she noticed there was no information about what period products to pack in your bug out bag and home emergency supplies. She provided some information and when her husband taught it the following day, this short section raised lots of questions from the audience. Seeing this gap in knowledge among the general population, she went online and found little to no information about what to pack in an emergency kit for your period.
Using her own knowledge accumulated over 12 years of research, including when an ice storm and flood hit her area, she created an easy to follow guide about period emergency preparedness. Her goal for this book is to provide learners with practical information to make any type of period kit that they can include in their emergency supplies.
When Giada’s not writing she enjoys canoeing, bicycling, and roller skating. You can always spot which one she is on roller skates. She’s the one that skates like a baby deer learning to walk.
Giada has her own author page on Facebook to share her author journey. You can also follow The Period Prepper book on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.